Monday, December 15, 2014


I remember my first day of work at JCW's, It was not fun.
I remember the first time the cook made me free food.
I remember the first time I took a break and someone came with me.
I remember my last day of work there.
I remember I didn't show up on my last day.
I remember talking to my ex co workers and how they didn't like me after that.
I remember going back and seeing my old boss.
I remember my other boss seeing me and thinking I was someone completely different then who I actually am.
I remember not correcting him.
I remember the next time I saw him and he realized what he did.
I remember the first time I got let go.
I remember not wanting to finish my shift.
I remember the first time I actually thought I was going to die.
I remember the fear that shot through my whole body.
I remember the first time I had a Swedish Fish.
I remember the last time I kissed you and meant it.
I remember the first time I kissed you and meant it.
I remember the time we stayed out all night to talk and drive around, we drove so long I used a full tank and a half of gas.
I remember the time my mom caught me sneaking into the house at 4a.m.
I remember the look she gave me, the furry that filled her eyes.
I remember the last time I was grounded, I was 10 and it was because I told my mom I didn't love her when she wouldn't let me play night games.
I remember my first phone.
I remember how my mom got so mad at me that she threw it on the ground until it shattered.
I remember when I decided to grow up.
I remember not being able to recall what I said to make you hate me.
I remember wanting to run away.
I remember the first and second time I broke my leg.
I remember the first haircut I got in months and how much I hated the length of my freshly cut hair.
I remember learning to type.
I remember when typing became second nature to me and I didn't have to look at the keys to know where they were.
I remember the neighborhood friends that moved away one summer.
I remember the first back flip I ever landed.
I remember the first jump I went off of while snowboarding.
I remember the first time I actually stuck the landing.
I remember the first grab I did off a jump and the rush it gave me.
I don't remember everything but I remember the little things.

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